Shopping Tips For Lena

Got any suggestions or tips for foreigners as they transistion to shopping in the North American marketplace? Lena needs your help!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Men shop too!

In the comments below, Rob shares his shopping wisdom in point form:
  1. Most expensive items are at eye level - 4'6" to 5"6" from the floor.
  2. Just because there is a little sign on its shelf does not mean it is a "sale" price, check the more permanent tag underneath or beside it to confirm whether it is a sale price or not.
  3. Check the expiration date if its a perishable - yes it isn't a pleasant lesson for everyone...
  4. Beware of end row displays - items are not necessarily cheaper.
  5. Check among flyers before you shop for the higher priced items- meat, detergent, cheese, etc. - no one is judging you on store loyalty
Great stuff (you can read the rest in the original comment)! I'd like to add that eggs in Russia have no expiration date, proving yet again that things are indeed superior thanks to communism! ;-)


  • At February 27, 2006 11:46 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Seems like almost everything here has acquired an expiration date in the last few years, even your beloved Pepsi and Cool Ranch Doritos.

    One tip we have is to buy meat at Safeway a day or two before the due date - there will often be two or more "$2 off" stickers on it. This way you can buy a $12 roast for $6.

    Another tip is to buy different items at different stores. For instance, canned and prepackaged goods are cheapest at Superstore, while they sometimes don't have the best meat or produce.


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