Shopping Tips For Lena

Got any suggestions or tips for foreigners as they transistion to shopping in the North American marketplace? Lena needs your help!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Return of the Returns

Enter the Costco fans:
One thing that we have found is shopping at Costco is worth the $50 annual fee. If you are willing to buy large quantities, or if you are looking for some of the "big ticket" items.

The return policy at Costco is unbeatable. Your money back within one year if you are satisfied for any reason. They will even refund money on food items if you are not happy with the quality.
(From the comments below)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Bigger isn't always better

Comments from BC!
One thing about shopping in a country like Russia that my husband and I found interesting when we lived overseas, was that the large the box (of cereal or laundry soap) didn't necessarily mean you were going to get a better price. While here in Canada if you can buy larger items you generally pay a cheaper price. But just beware - you have to store the larger item somewhere - and sometimes it's too big to use it all before the expiry date.
Kevin adds: Very true, Shannon. As well, it's hard to find North American-sized "large" packages here. Probably just as well, since most of us are transporting our groceries via backpacks!

Cut the coupons!

More gems from the comment section:
Several years ago large grocery stores like Safeway and SaveOnFoods did away with coupons - you are now required to have their grocery card in your purse to purchase at the 'sale' price for the weeks discounted items. But lately SaveOnFoods has put extra coupons in their flyer - and now you need to cut coupons again. It couldn't be more complicated if they tried. :-)
Kevin sez: Hey! We do have food store flyers now! So maybe coupons are next...